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I’m a life coach, mother of two, happily married, and a facilitator of transformational growth. I practice my own unique blend of relationship-based spiritual psychology. I hope what you find here is helpful to you in some way. Always remember to Keep Growing!
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How do you want to FEEL today? As the Mandalorian says, “This is the way.”
It is from the FEELING space, that we create our lives, but there’s a catch.
How we feel is a direct result of our thoughts and beliefs. Quite simply, emotions follow thoughts.
So, in order to feel how we want to feel, we have to *first* deal with our thoughts and beliefs.
And, there’s another level to this…
A lot of what we believe, we’re not fully conscious of. These unconscious beliefs are creating our realities. Literally, this unhealed, unconscious stuff – can be running the show! For many of us, it IS!
UGH. I know. Talk about a pile a 💩. (But don’t worry! It gets better. 😉
So you ask, “Katie, how do I deal with it if it’s unconscious?”
The good news is, there is a tried-and-true method of *handling it all* and it just so happens to be my ✨specialty✨.
This is work we get into working 1:1. There is a lot of talk about needing to do our inner work but few people actually know HOW, or will take the time to teach you. That is where I come in. I’m here to guide you, support you and teach you HOW. This is why Coaching with me will be the best investment you make yet – because not only will you receive unparalleled support, but I will literally give you a powerful toolkit to use to unearth your unconscious inner blocks. The tools work inside of the Coaching relationship AND you take them with you and use them for the rest of your life. I will literally teach you how to fish, so to speak.
Not only do I do this work with my clients, but I walk my talk…and continuously do it myself. I’m going to share a little secret with you. I have joined a year long group mentorship program that begins in October. This program is already calling me forward to unparalleled levels of growth and expansion, as a Coach, as an Entrepreneur, as the Matriarch of our family, and it hasn’t even officially begun. If there has EVER been a time to work with me, it is NOW. Also, my prices for 1:1 Coaching will be going up after Oct 2! Now is really – the time!
What is the first step? Fill out a short application on my website. Don’t worry, it’s super quick. While you’re there make sure to download your free assessment! It is my GIFT to you, and will make your first call with me twice as good.
This is the way!
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